Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Wedding Belle

April seems to have zipped by.  We were racing to finish all our pruning at the beginning of the month, then we were racing to get all the new trees planted, plus a large new orchard for a client; now we are worrying because of the drought and the impact it may be having on all the baby trees.  And in the middle of all this we opened the orchards here at West Bradley to the public for our annual Apple Blossom Day event, close on the heels of the big Royal Wedding day.

Usually we worry that the blossom won't have appeared in time for Apple Blossom Day.  This year we worried that, with spring arriving so early, it would all have DISappeared!  The cider trees were in full blossom however, looking wonderful, and the pigs have a lovely new home under the oaks.

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