Neil, Arthur & Fergus Macdonald - Juicemasters!
West Bradley Orchards is one of the few orchards left in Somerset producing dessert fruit. The public is welcome to come on any of the weekends in September to pick apples and pears before the full harvest starts. All apples and pears are £1.10 per kilo.
There are fifteen varieties of apple to pick at West Bradley. These include Cox, Bramley, Kidd’s Orange, Charles Ross, Jonagold, Russet, as well as four different varieties of pears. Some of the first apples to mature are the delicious Worcester Pearmains with their strawberry-like flavours. They are highly sought after and will be ready in time for the first weekend in September.
This year brings a brand new event - Apple Scrumping Day - on Sunday 12 September.
Neil Macdonald of Orchard Ground Force, which manages the orchards, said “For the first time we are going to be making juice for people from the fruit they pick. It’s a great way to store the goodness of freshly picked apples and pears, and you can see exactly what goes into the bottle.”
“You can choose the apples that go into your juice - either a single variety or a blend of different varieties. For a small charge we will juice the fruit for you, (or you can do it yourself), bottle it, pasteurise it quickly so it keeps, and you can even have your own personal label!”
Neil’s young children, Arthur and Fergus, are masters of the technique of making juice, but it is simple enough for even adults to get the hang of it!
After a very dry spring and summer the recent rains have been extremely welcome.
Said Neil Macdonald “The dry sunny weather has given the fruit lots of flavour and sweetness and now the rains are coming at exactly the right moment to swell the fruit and make it really juicy.”
The orchards will be open 10.00 - 17.00, Friday to Sunday on each weekend in September. Free entrance and parking. Bags and containers provided.
West Bradley Orchards, West Bradley, BA6 8LT
2 miles off the A361 between Shepton Mallet and Glastonbury
Tel: 01458 850 227
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